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How to join:

Membership costs £8 single or £10 joint (couple living at same address) runs from 1 January to 31 December. Members joining after 31 August will have their membership commencing in January of next year, unless they specifically request to backdate it to the beginning of the current year. Members are welcome from all parts of the world.


Payment may be made cheque/postal order payable to the Village Sign Society with your name(s), address, email address (if available) and send to VSS Membership, 7 Duck End, Godmanchester, Cambridgshire. PE29 2LW.  If you wish to receive Village Sign Times in PDF format by email, email to confirm your email address.


For a bank transfer or standing order please contact Ken Savage at:

Benefits of membership

- Receiving the Society's magazine, Village Sign Times, issued three times a year. This is the only periodical that specifically covers village signs, and is available in either paper (UK only) or PDF format (worldwide).


- Entitlement to advertise free in Village Sign Times (subject to restrictions).


- Inclusion in the Society's list of speakers.

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